Page 17 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 17

The diverse skills needed in ski resort areas

Half of the respondents felt that there are quality      The development requests covered a wide range of
training programs available for the ski resort industry  topics, from sport-specific advanced training to first
and that the education meets the needs of the industry.  aid, customer service, management, and business
Respondents were given the opportunity to express        studies. The largest group of respondents in the survey,
in their own words how ski resort industry education     ski instructors and ski resort employees, emphasized
should be developed and what kind of education they      continuing education in their own sport but also educa-
would like to see.                                       tion that would expand their skills more broadly in the
                                                         industry. Employers were expected to provide support
                                                         for further education. Customer service training was
                                                         mentioned in several requests.

“Education that covers various aspects of the            “More education in various functions within
winter sports industry and thus provides a               the industry. If the development continues,
wide range of job opportunities.”                        the direction of leadership should also cover
Management/Development role, male,                       resort operations, including restaurant and
Austria, in the industry for over 8 years                beverage services, mountain activities, and
                                                         snow sports.”
“Language studies, developing comprehensive
customer service, and considering environ-               Ski School Supervisor, male, Australia, in
mental issues in daily operations.”                      the industry for over 8 years
Restaurant/Catering industry supervisor,
female, Finland, in the industry for 4-8 years

“Targeted training, operational training for                                                                       PHOTO: SKI.FI — ISO-SYÖTE
foreign labour (work methods and culture,
required work permits, etc.), career coaching,
supervisor training.”

Supervisor in the accommodation sector,
female, Finland, in the industry for over 8 years

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