Page 18 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 18

“Comprehensive basic training for various jobs            “Particularly, technical training for ski resorts
in ski resorts. Especially now, there is a need for       should be improved. Offering courses and training
education since almost every centre has turned            programs in English would help in engaging inter-
its operations into year-round or is heading              national workforce. Ski resort jobs are generally
in that direction. Moreover, customers are no             seen as temporary work rather than a career,
longer a homogeneous group; diversity has also            official broader training would bring seriousness
increased significantly.”                                 and development opportunities to the industry.”

Manager/Development role, male, Finland,                  Manager/Development role, female, Finland,
over 8 years in the industry                              4-8 years in the industry

The need for skilled labour                                            Social skills 13%                      WORKFORCE ISSUES IN TOURISM AND SKI RESORT AREAS

Over half (54%) of the respondents feel that there              Language proficiency 12%
is not enough workforce available in the industry.
This opinion was particularly prevalent among re-               Customer service skills 11%
spondents from the accommodation, restaurant, or
catering sector. Additionally, the level of workforce             Sport-specific skills 6%
competence was assessed as relatively low, indicat-                Interpersonal skills 5%
ing an area for improvement that is closely related to
the previously mentioned development needs.                             Flexibility 4%

The skills related to employment and success in the       Open text question: ”The most important skills or
industry, which will become more emphasized in the        areas of expertise needed in the future in the ski
future, are more related to social skills, language       resort industry. ” n=686
proficiency, and customer service than specific
skills related to the sport.

The common factor in the responses is the new skill
requirements that arise from the expansion and
development of activities in ski resort areas. On one
hand, there is a need for versatile professionals who
possess skills in customer service, interpersonal
skills, cultural competence, and technical service
expertise such as ski instruction or guiding activities.
However, there are also specific needs mentioned,
such as those related to the maintenance of slope
infrastructure, which include tasks like operating
snow groomers, snowmaking and snow expertise,
electrical and property maintenance work, expertise
in accommodation and restaurant services, as well as
activity services.

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