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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups



Passion and freedom
drive us on.

A Society operates in a free and dynamic consulting    step that has affected us all deeply, we look forward
market, helping individuals follow their passion.      to the future with hope. The technology sector in
Guided by our vision of “A Society Powered by          which we operate plays a crucial role in how we
Freedom”, we work to ensure that every consultant      grapple with an increasingly complex reality. It is
in our network achieves success on their terms,        becoming more important to find common solutions
regardless of whether they’re their own boss, en       that transcend international borders; expertise
employee at a consulting company, or part of a         from all over the world needs to be used and heard.
partner company. With over 20 years experience         Together, we can help to create positive change that
of mediating consultancy assignments in the tech       has an enormous impact on society.
industry, we know that our consultants can solve
the toughest conundrums, fulfil any dream they wish       We work continuously to improve our corporate
and build any solution in order to create positive     culture. We do everything we can to offer an attrac-
change – for our customers and for themselves and      tive, dynamic and inspirational workplace with a
the society in which they live and work.               strong community of talented and passionate
IN WHICH WE TAKE CARE OF ONE ANOTHER                      Passion and execution are the foundation of
Despite a year scarred by a terrible war on our door-  a leadership culture in which our employees are
                                                       comfortable making their own decisions. We have a
                                                       genuine spirit and corporate culture and we welcome
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